Kitty can do Ballet!?

On another post. Had some great commentors that told me how greatly they admired my work and were becoming avid fans. Sherry and her daughter (sofia) spent quite some time going through all of my posts and liking each and every one of them that they enjoyed.

After noticing the pair through a set of comments they made. I let them know how happy I was to find out they have encountered my art, and how appreciative I am that they are now avid followers. SO I promised them A Free request. I would paint, or draw anything of their liking.

Sofia decided she wanted to see if I could draw a Kitty cat that could do Ballet!!

I thought to myself for about .2 seconds and the answer popped right into my mind! Of course I could draw a kitty doing Ballet ! It might not be the best kitty ballet, but it’s a kitty doing ballet.

So this one goes out to Sherry, and her wonderful daughter Sofia. I’m glad that you both have taken such a grand liking to my art, and hopefully you fall in love with the kitty that does ballet.

Here she is doing Ballet !! Please let me know if this is what you expected, and how much you like, or dislike it !

If you like this print and would like to purchase a copy please visit my printshop.

This art is now property of Sofia, and her mother. Anyone who uses this are better get permission from them, and it better be for non-for profit uses!

About Technical Guru

I am here for the truth, possible tribe formations, garnered resonance, sound ideas, art, and future conceptualism. Aggregation build up.
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9 Responses to Kitty can do Ballet!?

  1. sherrysf says:

    Sofia says, “ITS AWESOME! It’s just want I wanted except better! I don’t like it, I LOVE it. MOm is going to post on her blog, Facebook and everywhere else with a link to YOU! Its so cool. Thanks!!”. ❤ ❤ ❤

  2. Pingback: By Popular Demand. | Boblobslaw's Blog

  3. Oh, you are such a sweetheart to do this. I love the ballet kitty cat. Your genuine earnestness, and optimistic nature come through in your words and your art. So glad to have “met” you. Good luck with the connections you made through the Dark Shadows contest.

    • Personally, I appreciate the people who come here and the ones that I meet, and open dialauges with. Those are the people who mean the most to me. So i offer my services to them in hopes that I can create something that strikes them emotionally, and forms a better communication,love, and respect for one another. I’m elated to have met you also. You’re comments make me feel appreciated and valued. The connections i’ve made through the contest are worth their weight in gold. That’s for sure.

  4. Pingback: The art and grace of Ballet « camgal

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